Welcome to the Resource Page For Ignition Protocol.

Your central location for videos and clickable links to enhance your experience while following the program.

Included on this page:

  • Clickable links to lower body exercise demonstrations

  • Clickable links to upper body exercise demonstrations

  • Clickable links to abdominal exercise demonstrations

  • Bibliography for Ignition Protocol

Lower Body Exercises:

  1. Barbell Back Squat

  2. Barbell Romanian Deadlift

  3. Body-weight squat

  4. Bulgarian Split-Squat

  5. Dumbbell Goblet Squat

  6. Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift

  7. Heel Elevated Goblet Squat

  8. Knee banded Leg Press

  9. Leg Curl

  10. Leg Extension

  11. Leg Press

  12. Stationary Lunge

  13. Walking Lunge

    Upper Body Exercises:

    1. Band Pull-Aparts

    2. Barbell Bench Press

    3. Barbell Bicep Curl

    4. Dumbbell Lateral Raise

    5. Dumbbell Incline Press

    6. Dumbbell Row

    7. Dumbbell Skullcrusher

    8. Dumbbell Shoulder 6-ways

    9. Feet-Elevated Push-Ups

    10. Neutral Grip Lat Pulldowns

    11. Neutral Grip Seated Row

    12. Prone Grip Row

    13. Push-Ups

    14. Rope Triceps Pushdowns

    15. Rope Face Pulls

    16. Seated Overhead DB Press

    17. Smith Machine Bench Press

    18. Spider Crawls

    19. Standing Neutral Grip Overhead Press

    20. Standing Neutral Grip Push Press

    21. Stretch Push-Ups

    22. Supinated Lat Pulldown

    23. Zottman Curls

    Abdominal Exercises:

    1. Body Saw

    2. Garhammer Raise

    3. Hanging Garhammer Raise

    4. Physio-Ball Roll-Out

    5. Physio-Ball Stir-the-pot

      Relevant Studies Used to Create Ignition Protocol



      1)     Review of literature concerning diets, exercise, protein intake, total energy intake for those that train. (Aragon A. et al 2017)

      2)    Another protein intake study (Phillips SM et al. 2011)

      3)     Calorie reduction = weight loss (Frank M Sacks et al. 2009)

      4)    This study concludes there is no difference between low carb and low fat with regards to weight loss. (Christopher D. Gardner PHD et al. 2018)

      5)    This study (Kevin D. Hall et al 2016) comes to the same conclusion.  It’s a favorite of mine because the subjects were in a metabolic ward and the calories/activity levels were tightly controlled, this is about as air tight as a study gets.  Once again, if calories are controlled and protein demands are met, it doesn’t matter if you lower carbs, fat, or a little of both.

      6)    Proof that eating out frequently will sabotage your efforts to improve your physique. (Lorien E. Urban PHD et al. 2016)

      7)     Study debunking concerns regarding the safety of long-term creatine supplementation (Kreider RB 2003)




      8)    Meta-analysis of studies (Rhea MR 2003) that determined 48-72 hours of rest between training sessions is optimal for recovery.

      9)    Study concluding low sleep = low testosterone levels (Leproult et al. 2011)

      10)   Study concluding low sleep = high cortisol levels (Leproult et al. 1997)

      11)    Study concluding low sleep = low athletic performance (Cheri D. Mah et al. 2011)



      12)   Short duration "sprints" are just as effective as long duration steady state cardio in a fraction of the time. (Jenna B. Gillen 2016)

      13)   This study is proof of the effectiveness of drop set training for muscle hypertrophy (Ozaki H. et al. 2017)

      14)   Meta-analysis of studies (Schoenfeld et al. 2016) performed on training frequency (how many times per week a muscle group is trained) concludes 2x is superior to 1x per week.

      15)   This study (Schoenfeld et al. 2015) concludes total body 3x per week is superior for strength than splitting up body parts and training them 1x per week (typical bro split).

      16)   Meta-analysis of studies showing the advantages of using multiple sets per muscle for growth. (Krieger JW 2010)

      17)    Study showing short (2min) rest periods are as effective as long (5min) rest periods for muscle hypertrophy and strength. (Ahtiainen JP et al. 2005)


      18)   The benefits of using the "mind muscle connection" on muscle hypertrophy (Schoenfeld B 2018)


      19)   Study showing muscle hypertrophy is directly related to volume (amount of sets).  The more you do, the more results you get. (Schoenfeld B 2018).  Great study that proves the more training you provide a specific muscle group, the more it will grow.  A popular hypothesis from researchers and coaches is that for the time restricted trainee, splitting training up by using total body routines more frequently throughout the week is a great way to maximize the effectiveness of each set performed.